Saturday, December 15, 2018

Happy Holidays!!!

I can't believe it has been over 4 yrs since our last post.  Many changes have occurred since then, but that may be another post.  Today, we are addressing a question that many have asked over the years, and that is why do we close over the Christmas / New Years holiday?  Its a complex answer.

The primary reason, believe it or not, is to serve our customers better.  What do we mean by this?  The best way to serve our customers is to have our experienced staff on hand as much as possible.  We guarantee the staff a certain amount of vacation days per year.  Closing at this time puts some of these days during our slowest time of year.  This allows them to be on hand more during the busier time of year. 

Having everyone take this time off all at once vs. spreading it over several weeks during the winter is also a cost savings.  Having everyone take this time off at one time reduced the fuel consumption for heat and electrical consumption for lights & other items.

A side benefit of this is recognized by the staff.  It seems to act like a reset button.  Everyone comes back refreshed & ready to take on the New Year.  Many times, we have made our biggest changes coming back after the break, such as installing all new LED lighting throughout the showroom, or completely rearranging the showroom. 

Now, something that has not happened during this time over all the years we have been servicing the area, is a weather related emergency.  Everyone here knows, if something appears to be heading our way, we will have to be available to open the doors to serve whatever needs our customers require.  Its not uncommon for us to be open at times of need.  We have come in on Sundays, have remained open late, or have even come in overnight to assist the Emergency Services of the area.  We will not leave our customers in need during these times.

So, from everyone here at GPE, we would like to wish your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years.  We look forward to seeing you next year!!!!